Monday, July 31, 2006
What Michael is Saying
When he is bored or frustrated, he likes to make a truck sound over and over. The other day, he wanted gum and I wouldn't let him have any (see "Calling Poison Control...Again"). I thought he'd had enough for at least this month, if not the year. Anyway, off and on for about two hours, he mumbled over and over, "Some gum, brrmm, brrmm."
The other day, I was lying down with him until he went to sleep and I thought success was mine. I was just easing my way out of his presence when, without even opening his eyes, he patted the pillow next to him and said, "Right there." So much for freedom.
When he wants to be where someone else is, he is semi-polite. He will grunt, "Excuse me!" as he pushes you onto the floor.
And our favorite is, today, when ever anyone asks him what his name is, he says, "Grandma." So now we know who he looks up to most in the world.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Cleaning Out the Junk Drawers
New Floors
And I had to include the toilet in the bathroom picture, because they say the the third time's the charm. Now we can be charming and classy.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
We Are SO Classy
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Words To Strike Fear In a Mother's Heart
Me - WHAT stuff?
Kelly (nonchalantly) - I forgot.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Pictures Of, By and For the Kids
Sunday, July 23, 2006
The Gwennifer
Why can’t you go up your nostrils with your tongue?
What number does 100 stop at if everything else stops at 10?
Could you live with your body in a balloon? How about for a day? An hour? A minute?
Random Stuff from the Last Few Days
Saturday morning, Kelly went out into the backyard in her pjs and found some bugs she wanted to keep as pets. I think it has something to do with not letting the kids have a dog. Her first one was a spider she is holding by its web.
And here is a pill bug she was really excited about. Unfortunately, the same rule applies to spiders and pill bugs as does to, no, no.
Saturday afternoon some of the girls were drawing and Michael wanted to join in. I didn't get him paper soon enough and he looks like he has the measles, but I was just grateful he drew on himself instead of the wall. The battle scars are from bumping into Summer's desk. They showed up the exact moment the bruise on his forehead and scrape under his nose from falling down the garage steps disappeared. Isn't he lovely?
Friday, July 21, 2006
This blurb was at the bottom of the registration form. Doesn't it sound like fun?
WAIVER (Heretofore referred to as “Da Fine Print”): I, being in sound mind and body, do fully understand that participating in the sport of racewalking may result in my being subject to a panoply of physical and emotional ailments. I agree that by attending this clinic, I may be advised by Dave to wiggle my extremities in ways not intended by my creator, and that such wigglings may cause otherwise staid, emotionally stable, yet sedentary passersby to burst out into uncontrollable snickering. In consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I the undersigned, intending to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assignees, do hereby waive and release the organizers of this event, the Bureau of Weights and Measures of the State of California, the towns of Solana Beach and Torey Pines, Tory Spelling, Tori Amos, Amos and Andy, Andy Griffith, Griffith Park Zoo, the San Diego Zoo, Bai Yun, Gao Gao, Chairman Mao, Su Lin, the owners and employees of Wild Bob's Rotweiler Rodeo, the artist presently known as The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, the cast and crew of Titanic: The Musical, and any other parties even less remotely connected to Dave’s clinic than the aforementioned, from any claims connected with this relatively harmless daredevil racewalking weekend. I also attest that I am physically fit to participate in this clinic, and certify that I will change my socks every 3,000 miles and will not now, nor in the foreseeable future, racewalk naked in public between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Now sit up straight, wash behind your ears, and don’t drive with your eyes closed. Have you finished your vegetables, son?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Is this thing only about Michael?
Monday, July 17, 2006
Calling Poison Control...Again
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Reason #27 To Clean Up Immediately After Breakfast
Sometimes I get busy doing vital things like reading the comics online or painting my toenails instead of cleaning the table right after we done with breakfast, but these days of wine and roses are over. Michael has discovered the bounty that can be found on a table that hasn't been cleared. Here he is dumping raisins in the brown sugar, mixing them together and eating his concoction straight out of the sugar canister. Yum.