Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Gwen's Essay

Gwen had to write the classic, "What I Did Last Summer" essay and I asked her if I could post it for your enjoyment, so here it is.

My Summer Vacation

This summer I read a lot. I love reading. I went outside a lot, too. This past summer I planted a pear tomato. It is getting very big now. I taught my baby sister, Naomi, some animal sounds. I took piano lessons and am almost in the third level of my piano books. I played a lot of different sports with my family. I took level four swimming lessons. Some of the time, I played with my chicken, Daisy. She is a Jersey Black Giant. I wrote in my journal and I slept in late. I practiced standing on my head and told stories to my brother or sisters. Once in a while, I went to my friend’s house or she came to mine. Sometimes, my friend’s sister would come for a piano lesson and she would come too. It was a great summer.

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