Saturday, February 06, 2010

Ready toTake Her Road Test

Naomi is becoming quite the back seat driver. Recently, we were on the way to pick Rachel up from school and she asked where we were going. I told her and she announced that we were going the wrong way and that this was the way to Summer’s school, not Rachel’s.

A couple of days after that, we picked Summer up first and then were on our way to get Rachel from a different direction. She told me again that this was not the way to Rachel’s school and backed her pronouncement up with, “And I am RIGHT.”

It isn't only my sense of direction that she thinks need improvement. I stopped at a red light behind a Honda and she told me, “You are not far enough away from that little car, Mommy.”


Alyssa McVey said...

It wouldn't be so funny if they weren't so cute! :)

AES said...

Which is probably why toddlers everywhere survive into adulthood, because in the midst of all their shenanigans, they are so cute!