Wednesday, August 30, 2006

All In a Day's Work

Kelly came to me the other day and told me her ear hurt. I told her to go lie down and tell me if it still hurt after a while (my stock reply to pain complaints).

In a few minutes she came and told me there was a bead in her ear. Never mind how she said it got there, after probing, she admitted she'd put it there herself.

Not wanting to spend 2 1/2 hours in urgent care, I decided to get it out myself. I tried a fingernail file, but the bead was a perfect fit for her ear canal and I didn't want to push it in farther.

I needed something sticky, so I pulled out some gum and started chewing. I stuck the gum on the end of a toothpick and tried to extract the little pink bead from her cute little ear. No luck.

But! The toothpick gave me an idea. I could see the hole in the bead and it was just larger than the end of my toothpick. I was able to poke the toothpick into the bead hole and get some leverage on the thing. Success at last! Who says staying home with kids doesn't take advanced skills?

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