Sunday, December 07, 2008

Apple "Rinds"

Naomi does not like apple peel lately. I am having a hard time adjusting. Here I have this low maintenance kid (at least in this aspect of life) who wasn't picky about apple peel and overnight, it seems, she rejects it and wants me to peel her apples. Well, I can see myself giving in on all kinds of things if I let her have her way on this one, so I just don't do it. I leave the peel on.








Now, she eats her apples like they are slices of watermelon!

So, after picking up two dozen apple "rinds" over a week's time, I am wavering in my resolve to never peel an apple for this kid again and then we are taking apples in the car (no handy place to put trash) and I give in. I peel a couple slices and instruct the older kids that they are for Mo. While we are driving, after our apple snack, Rachel informs me that Naomi has eaten her lovely, peel-free apples JUST as if they had PEELS on them! So now we are barreling down the freeway with apples "rinds" that are quickly disintegrating because they have no peels on them to keep them together and the smell of ripe juicy, mushy apple wafting through the car. Ugh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, we have that same problem! I have found apple peels in a few gross places.