Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Pretty, Pretty Please?

The other day, Heather, Gwen and Kelly were trying to get Summer to pretend she was a robot. They each begged her, "Pretty, pretty please? I'm kneeling on my knees." It inspired poetry in Heather (age 8), who wrote the following:

Pretty, pretty please?
I'm kneeling on my knees,
The opposite of ease.
Pretty, pretty please?
My knees are getting sore,
Hard, hard on the floor.
Pretty, pretty please?
You are such a tease.
Will you just stop,
Or else I will pop.

I wish I could guess
That you would say yes,
And be as right
As the sun is light.
I wish you would see
And respect me,
In all of my wishes
From horses to dishes.
Pretty, pretty please?
I'm kneeling on my knees.

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