Friday, January 23, 2009

A couple...

...of recent Michaelisms.

Last night, I asked him what he wanted to thank Heavenly Father for in his prayers and we went through the same routine we do every night.

Michael:What can I (say thank you for)?

Me:Anything good in your life. Every good thing is from Heavenly Father.

Michael:You tell me.

Me:Well, you could thank Him for Daddy's job, or our house, or something from nature, like animals or flowers...

Michael:I want a WEIRD animal, like a cheetah or an elephant.

Me:That would be fine (a smile spreading over my face at the "WEIRD" part).

Michael:Or, I know, a cheetah mixed with an elephant.

And then today, I overheard him telling Kelly, "If you put lipstick on a pig, it still doesn't make it a princess."

Too much NPR in the car I guess...

P.S. Update on the camera - I am about 23% through the manual - wish me luck!


Alyssa McVey said...

If lipstick won't make a pig a princess, what will?

AES said...

Your guess is as good as mine...

Unknown said...

Hi Amy, I totally relate to this! How sweet Michael is! I got a new camera too! Not as fancy as yours... Just as I learn a new thing, I forget the things I'd already learned...

AES said...

Ha, ha! Me too. I actually think I may have forgotten that first part of the manual I read, without even trying it out and have to start all over!