Thursday, April 02, 2009

Ha Ha

Yesterday, Summer masterminded an April Fool's Day Joke on us. I guess the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree (see the post just below) and she's always had a sense of humor, that girl. Here she is sitting on Uncle Matt's lap 15 years ago.

Last night was a busy evening, as Wednesdays usually are. The older girl's have piano lessons ending at 5. We ran some errands after their lessons...

Wait, let me interrupt myself. I was telling the younger kids where we were going to shop in the car on the way to pick the piano students up. I mentioned Michael's (craft store) and Naomi got jealous. She started whining, "Momo's store? Momo's store?" so I had to rename the school supply place "Momo's Store" for the afternoon to keep the peace.

Anyway, after lessons and errands, we didn't get home until six. I had dinner ready by 6:30, which is on the late side for us. After dinner, there was cleaning up, getting kids ready for bed, talking to Grandma, playing catch, two dirty diapers - the night just flew by!

Stan and I couldn't believe it when it was already nine when we all sat down for scripture reading, but we had dinner late and hadn't been watching the clock (or the teenagers).
After scriptures, a lull settled over the room. Rachel asked what time we usually read scriptures, which I thought was insensitive on a night we were having it so late (we shoot for 7:15 ish), so I grumbled, "I don't know." Summer couldn't hold it in any longer, "Rachel and I played an April Fool's Day trick on you! Haven't you noticed?!?"

Stan and I had no idea. Rachel wanted to spill the beans, but Summer wouldn't let her. I asked for a clue - what room was it in? I was informed it was everywhere! Every room in the house! I hazarded an impossible guess, "You dusted?"

Finally, it dawned on me. They put all the clocks ahead an hour. I was both impressed (it was a great joke - we really were fooled) and grateful (we had an entire extra hour more than we thought!).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love that!