Camping Trip!
For our last hurrah before school started, we went camping. On the way up to the mountains, we past these three dead palm trees tied together with...hundreds of colored wires? Does anyone know what this is? Did someone just want to be REALLY sure they didn't fall down? Is it ART? I pondered those deep questions for a while, but soon forgot about them as...
...we found our campsite. Gwen helped Stan set up one of our three tents.
We were right next to the Santa Ana River, but it wasn't much more than a stream at this point, perfect for a wading spot.
There was also a huge log to climb on.
We found this nifty caterpillar. Isn't it pretty?
Summer took some time to relax and read Wodehouse.
Speaking of Summer, she convinced us to bring up some BeanBoozled jelly beans to camp.
Some of us loved the grossness of them.
Some of us weren't sure.
Some of us WERE sure - that we didn't like them!
Here is Summer, watching to see if Stan got Peach or Barf. Which would you want to eat?
We recovered by roasting stuff - hot dogs, hot sausages, marshmallows, Starbursts...a couple of kids even tried roasting grapes!
Rachel was so upset when she burned her marshmallow, instead of roasting it perfectly, that she flung it to the wind. Too bad the wind was blowing in her direction!
The two teenagers took off for a walk. One of them appreciated it when I said goodbye, one of them did not.
One of the fun things about camping for the under thirteen set is getting dirty, but I think this is taking it to the extreme!
On the way home, dusty and smelling like wood smoke, we stopped at a nifty little museum.
Here is Summer examining a collection of cruets in a rainbow of colors.
Lovely and lovely :)
Oh my, how long did it take for Rachel to get the marshmallow out of her hair? What a good sport smiling for the picture.
I didn't take her too long, but she still has a burn scar on her chest - poor baby.
She is a trooper, first to smile and then to let me blog her picture :)
Wow, those were dirty kids! I love the adventures.
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