Thursday, October 16, 2008

Future Eternal Companion Qualifications

For FHE Sunday night, Summer gave a lesson on dating. She included an activity from one of the lessons she attended at church earlier in the day - make a list of the qualities you want in a future spouse. I would love to blog the girls' entire lists, but they would never agree and besides, Summer alone had over a hundred qualifications that some lucky guy will need to meet. Here is a sample -

Summer - Funny

Rachel - Optimistic

Heather - Interesting

Gwen - Big Ears

Kelly - Talks on Microphones

We are all still trying to figure that last one out :)


Shalece said...

That is so cute and so funny!

Kath said...

I love that. The "big ears" and "talks on microphones" is so funny. Thanks for sharing and bringing a smile to my face.

claire said...

Kelly makes me feel like I settled when I married Matt. Here I thought he had it all.

Emily said...

Summer and McKenna took all class to make their lists of a future husband. It was so funny to hear some of their qualifications. I like Gwen's qualifications - "Big Ears". HAHAHA