Friday, April 02, 2010

Weird Momma

The other day, my sister Sara overheard a snatch of conversation while we were on the phone and asked me if my daughter thought I was weird.

I told her ALL my daughters think I am weird.

I recounted the conversation at dinner that night and Heather was horrified. "I don't think you are weird!", she said.

I decided a poll was in order. Here is what each child said when asked if they thought I was weird.

Naomi - No.

Michael - No! (I knew he'd say that.)

Kelly - No.

Gwen - Nope.

Heather - see above

Rachel - Uhhh, yea.

Summer - Yes! But mostly in a good way.

p.s. Summer did my hair in this last picture ;)


sjones said...

thats funny! And your hair is so cute in the last picture.

claire said...

i think you're weird

Fine Art by Jennifer said...

No, you're just a HOT mama!